Kinetik Marketing

Kinetik Marketing provides Below The Line Marketing & Advertising services. Enabled by Graphic Design as a Branding function along with Online Marketing incorporated with Guerilla Marketing and Promotional Items in order to get your name, your products and your services out there where they can Be Seen!

Marketing can be visualized as the bridge that connects producers with consumers. This broad generalization puts the processes of production, packaging, transport, publicity, promotion, selling and then servicing the customer in the arena of marketing; while making profits for the entrepreneurs that produce and supply the products or services.

There are lots of Marketing companies, who charge a lot of money. Guerilla Marketing is something you can easily do yourself. But if you need a co-pilot on your wild Guerilla Marketing journey, we're ready to bring the boom!

Otherwise, our Online Advertising services are fairly priced and we partner with InfoTech specialists to give you the best bang for your online buck. Our Promotional Items are on target, and our Graphic Design services tie it all together in a perfect bow of services to help you stand out and Be Seen!

KINETIK - Online Marketing
kinetik Online marketing

Online Marketing :
Velocity Advertising™

As part of our Online Marketing services mix we facilitate:
• Search Engine Listings
• Search Engine Advertising, especially such as Google Ads
• Social Media Advertising, especially such as Facebook & Instagram Ads

We call it VELOCITY Advertising™

Kinetik design services

Graphic Design Services :
Impulse Graphix™

The crux of our operation is ofcourse driven by Graphic Design.
If an image can be visceral, capture the imagination or illicit a response, or an impulse to act on what has been seen. That's what we want. And so there could be only one label to bestow upon our flavour Graphic Design Services.

We call it Impulse Graphix™

KINETIK - Graphic Design
kinetik Guerilla marketing

Guerilla Marketing :
Gorilla Marketing™

This marketing method is named after guerrilla warfare.
This is when a small independent group uses irregular tactics to fight a larger and more capable force. Think “ambushes, sabotage, raids,” says creative Guerrilla Marketing.

We call it Gorilla Marketing™

KINETIK - Guerilla Marketing
KINETIK - Promotional Items
kinetik Promotional marketing

Promotional Items :

We have hundreds of Promotional Items available to enable you to get your brand message in people's hands. Promotional products work, they have a double-whammy effect on recipients of 1) nagging at them while activating the human attribute of Reciprocity.

Here are some interesting statistics regarding Promotional Items:
• Helps 86% of recipients recall your product, brand or service.
83% of recipients are more likely to do business with your brand after receiving your promotional item.
• 80% of recipients will research your brand after receiving your promotional item.
• 81% of recipients will keep your promotional item for longer than a year.
• 70% of recipients say that promotional products are the best form of marketing.

That's why we love Promotional Products. It's like Candy! And thats' why we call our Promotional Product store - The CandyStore™. Flag those items in an email to and we'll get right on it.

find us

Unit 9
Manhattan Office Park
16 Pieter Street
Highveld Techno Park

phone US

(086) 123-5789

Kinetik Marketing provides Below The Line Marketing & Advertising services, enabled by Graphic Design as a Branding function and Online Marketing incorporated with Guerilla Marketing and Promotional Items to get your name, your products and services out there where they can Be Seen!